Women around the world are affected by reoccurring themes that we have discussed in geography. These themes include identity, agency, social construction, discourse, power and knowledge and depending on these themes, it shapes of the lives of most people, depending on the country they are living in.
In South Korea, women's body perception is very critical because women become very subjective towards it. The media emphasizes how western looks, looking slim, tall, and have big eyes, is ideal, desired, and acceptable within the country. Subjectivity starts to become very important amongst these women because they start to consider going under the knife in order to meet the cultural standards of beauty.
Women having agency proves that their social status is improving which positively increases their lifestyle. In South Korea, women choose to go under the knife for beauty and in doing so, it makes them happier because they could make decisions on their own body. Since the 1960s until now, Mexico has demonstrated a declining fertility rate. The declining fertility rates correlates to women receiving education and having the agency to decide how many children she wants to give birth to. Men often want more children than women. When their is an agreement between the couple on family planning, it results to an equal household balance which also improves women's status of living.
There are social constructs revolving around women and their families. Even though women may have agency and an improved status of living. Social constructs may haunt women. Women are expected to do all the domestic work and take care of the house and children while the men go to work and bring home the bread. In the United States, women's autonomy has improved but not at the same rate as some people may like it. Women dominate the informal sector because it gives them extra time to take care of the house and their children. My question is, where are the Dads in this because it is unfair for women to do most domestic work when having a family?
Without having the opportunity to receive knowledge, utilize agency, and understanding the importance of a balanced household, women's status of living would be low. A problem that Iran is facing is infant mortality rate. Presently, Iran is improving and the rate has been declining since the late 60s. Women's status is very important because if they have a positive status, most likely their child will survive being born. Some of the things that contribute to a positive living status is having access to resources and owning house hold appliances. Women should receive education on how to avoid infant mortality and understand the importance of making family decisions with their spouse. If this is implemented, women should have an improved status of living which may reduce infant mortality.
These reoccurring themes in gender and geography are important because it demonstrates an understanding of how women are affected in each country. Agency, subjectivity, discourses, social constructs, education and power are themes that affect women and determine their status of living and autonomy.